gloomy moody

Selasa, 02 Desember 2014


03.55 Posted by Arina Sabila No comments
omg omg haii omg oh my god can I stop saying omg? Omg by the way hello! Omg It feels like a century since my latest post here so yeah I know you have been missing me since ever so here I am gonna fulfill your longingness ( what's even longingness:( I just can not find any better word for 'kerinduan' so nah-) How have you been dear readers? I hope you're fine there. Are you curious about how have I been guys? Well yeah as you know I life in this flat daily life so yeah. But then . . . . There was matswapati that makes my day colorful . . . . . okwhat

Ohyes have you guys heard about 'MATSWAPATI'? If you're one of my schoolmates then nah you absolutely known that and if you're miss wiwin ( hello miss ;) ) you definitely known what matswapati is right? Matswapati is 3 senior high school's ( which is my beloved school ) latest event! Yeap it took place on 27th September 2014 at Lapangan Bali, Bali street number 8. The event is about Bandung's culture. We know already that Bandung has like sooooo many cultures so as a teenage we should at least know the culture and we should 'melestarikan' ( pardon my English please:( please kindly tell me what melestarikan means in English:( ) the culture. What a great event right? Yes because I participated on that event 8) okno

Yeah actually all the 10th graders were also participated. Not just as a committee but we also participated on the parade. The parade was also attended by elementary and junior high scholars. There was actually a competition between each class for winning one million rupiahs! Omg that's make my class so ambitious for winning this competition. We even prepared a chant about matswapati, have a dresscode ; black and batik, wore a same headband with 'matswapati' written on it and yeah when the parade started at about 8 o'clock, we immediately sang our chant. Other classes were so quite, they probably didn't prepare a chant before so it made us somehow feel like we're gonna win this competition. It was actually tiring but yeah I felts so happy, probably not only me but all participants. You can see their happy face on these picture --

And at about 10 o'clock the event officially opened!! The event was opened by our mayor. He is actually one of my schoolmate's father ( this is actually not important but nah, just so you know ). The event continued by so many performers, such as Jaipongan,  samba sunda junior, wayang golek griharja, saung udjo and many more. Our school also presented KV3, LSS, TsT, KPA and MK. But well to be honest, I didn't really watch them because you know I was busy with my own happiness because I can met my old friends.

And jeng jeng finally its time for our special guest star performance . . . . . . . . . . glenn fredly!! Omg I couldn't wait for his performance to be honest so did other people at Lapangan Bali I guess. I was standing between Hernadi ( I guess you know him right? our palu . . . . . omg I MISS RINDAM-- nah he's actually my junior high schoolmate and we have been close since we were on second grade. And yeah we met again at senior high school. Its not important to tell you about him but yeah-- and he was the one who asked me like 'let's watch Glenn Fredly closer' and he pulled me to the center where we could see him close. I actually wanted to watch Glenn with my other classmates but then I couldn't reject your friendly invitation . . . . ok just kidding hernadi! It was nice to standing beside you and hear you singing because you basically have that 'thumbs up' voice. Keep it up bro! Let's not talk about him because he is basically not gonna read this--- I'm sorry readers for making you read such a nonsense lines.) and Nadya ( I guess you haven't know her :( Yep because she is from 1 senior high and she is just basically 'not famous' hahaha kidding. ). I didn't actually know the first song of Glenn's performance yeah probably everyone because it might be not his famous' song, but when it comes 'terserah' people were like galauing around with that song. Maybe so did Hernadi because he was singing the whole song and seemed so galau #staystrongfriend. When it comes that 'terpesona~ ku pada pandangan pertama' lol I'm sorry I don't know the title of the song:( People were like singing it with that 'kode' face. I was also sing the chorus part of the song, but then jeng jeng . . . my phone vibrated and there was a message from my dad, "Ka, I'm at taman music. Come here in 15 minutes, let's go home fast." and I was like . . . . . . . please dad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But as a good daughter *cough* I -unfortunately- went home when Glenn Fredly had not even finish his performance.

Overall, the event was sooooooooo amazing. It gave me so much memories. Thanks my dear school, my friends. And thanks for you for reading such a nonsense yet full with grammar mistake post made by me:( See you on the next post . . . . . . And I'm gonna give you some clue that, I'm gonna post 'matswapati' part two, so yeah see you!!!

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